Generational Evolution

Generational Evolution

Article By: Kevichalhou Virie, Place: Kohima, Nagaland.

Alma Mater: B.A (Political Science, History, Economics) 2014-2017, Kristu Jayanti College Autonomous.

Edited By: Prof. Surjit Singha, Bengaluru, Karnataka.

The goal of a woman in India during the early 50’s,60’s, 70’s, 80’s even 90’s to slightly even in the early 2000’s were to find a desirable husband, bear children, keep the house in order, take care of her husband, rule the kitchen and raise the children well to be like their father. That was where she found her honour.

Today, women are educated, self-dependent and bold, even more than men sometimes. Back in those days, the only man had the option to choose but today woman enjoys the same privilege. Getting married was the only choice those days, but today it is an option.

As the generation evolves we notice, people are not desperate for marriage like they used to be. Especially woman; we find more of them choose to live independently, some with regrets and some finds it a path to freedom.

It is insentient as well as funny a time when elderly folks give you marriage advice. Go for that girl with a fat salary, taller, prettier face, influential family background and so like. I find myself unable to relate or make any sense out of such recommendations. I never had able to perceive relationships diplomatically as it has greater and deeper meanings as you have to live with the person throughout life. Seasonal success is not a good option, it is very important to find the right chemistry or it is going to be toxic in the future.

Hailing from a rich and worthy family does not necessarily warranty a good life. Home is a place to refuel for adventures, but when the home itself becomes a war zone, the external war becomes too much for many of us.

The young generation sometimes loses sight of to balance between modern and traditional traits and ignores the societal norms. We sometimes evolve to suit our best interests to find the best model for our life. Men and Women who balance the two, understands the values and keeps up the honour, becomes a role model for the society and to find such is a rare gem.

The best investment in life is to find an individual of common interest who balances and understands the value of each other will do better in life. It will create a sustainable cycle in life which will raise a healthy generation in society and thus how society will bloom.

Most of the prevailing issues in our society can be a result of how the children were brought up by their parents, the atmosphere at home, friends, disturbed childhood, family issues, etc.

The cycle of the victim turned culprit to victimize the next creates a ripple effect within the algorithm of the society. It's very important for us to understand the importance of breaking this cycle by healing the generation, and the ones that found the breakthrough should inspire others with their story and possibly help and guide others through the healing journey.

Surely, not everyone is a victim of careless parenting but good parenting cures, protect and help in healing the wounds to face society.

And the society is true to a large extent a result of the ripple effect caused by underdeveloped and poorly raised individuals and citizens. Who affect and influence others with their actions.

And it’s crucial that parents understand that schools and school education are not meant to make up for their parts and their failures to meet their responsibilities which are entirely a separate duty which parents have towards educating and raising their children.

After all, a human being requires more than just materialistic provision and care. And the weight of moral, social, emotional education imparted and influenced by parents always has deeper consequences and effects on children.

And school education is not meant for meeting every one of those requirements for raising children into pragmatic and well-developed citizens who are able to respond to life’s circumstances and situations effectively. As things learned in an education center may necessarily not be practical.

Now, especially men should get this false perception out of their minds that they can’t have issues or insecurities or seek help or tell anybody about their inner problems which might make them seem weak or less of a man.

A man shouldn’t look down on those courageous men who open up about their fears and wounds they have been hiding forever. It gives hope that we are investing in building an algorithm towards giving birth to a golden generation soon. Knowing and realizing the importance of mental and emotional healing gives us hope that we are raising a golden generation.

It is equally important to understand the present generation and work on the current trends which can be adapted for a brighter future. Most of us think that Politicians and the Government can solve the entire nation’s problem. While the solution is very simple, raise good citizens and we will have good governance. Government is just a byproduct of the citizens which our society has shaped.

Individual actions have far greater consequences than we think. The future is going to be a byproduct of our actions and the decision that we make today.

The present circumstance is a byproduct of the decisions and actions made by the past generations. This gives us a clear idea as to why it is crucial to shaping this algorithm that is going to determine the ecosystem for future generations.

The action of one generation affects the future generations.


Received on 17 Oct 2019

Published on 24 Oct 2019

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